Topic: Legal issues

NEA/OEA Attorney Referral
NEA/OEA Attorney Referral Program

The NEA/OEA Attorney Referral Program provides members two free 30-minute consultation sessions as well as additional legal services on personal matters at a substantially reduced rate.

OEA Member Resource Guide 2017

Thank you for your membership, your voice, and your commitment to education. As an OEA member you have access to an array of benefits and services at the local, state, and national levels. Use this guide as an overview to …

Social Media Guidelines for Educators

Dos And Don’ts For Educators Whether you’re just considering becoming involved with social media or you’ve already established an identity on one or multiple sites, you need to use these channels wisely. OEA has developed the following guidelines on using …

Commonsense Pointers for Avoiding False Allegations

Whenever possible, never be alone with a student. That’s because a student’s allegations made when there are no other witnesses hinge on credibility, and authorities often tend to favor the alleged victim in these circumstances. So don’t be alone with …

Teachers and Children’s Services Investigations

Investigations by Children’s Services are NOT legal proceedings. Therefore, BEFORE talking with ANYONE from Children’s Services, please follow these important steps: If you are notified that a complaint against you has been filed with Children’s Services regarding your treatment of …

image: Teacher at Chalkboard with student about to throw a paper airplane
Disruptive or Violent Students

If you have a Concern with a Student Emergency Removal You have the right to remove a disruptive student from the classroom. You have the right to impose necessary disciplinary action to students in keeping with Board policy. Physical Assault …

Employee Use of the Internet

In the past several years, OEA has had a rash of contractual and legal issues regarding alleged misuse of the Internet – school and personal. Therefore, we wanted to remind you of the following common sense applications of Internet usage. …

Fact Finder for the Ohio Teacher

The Teacher Contract Ohio teachers work under one of two basic types of contracts–limited or continuing. Limited contracts must be renewed periodically. State statute or your collective bargaining agreement determine the procedure the employer must use to non-renew a limited …

If A Member Is Assaulted

If a member is the victim of an assault while on school property, the following procedures are recommended: Write down as soon as possible after the assault incident all particulars of the situation, including names, witnesses, date, time(s), location, and …

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