Topic: Salary and benefits

Student Debt Relief

On January 10, 2023 the Department of Education released a proposed regulation that delivers on the plan President Biden announced in August to provide millions of borrowers with more affordable monthly student loan payments

October – November 2022 Ohio Schools

In the 2022 election, support pro-public education candidates who will honor our work and partner with us to build a better future for Ohio’s students and public schools

image: Shopping with NEA Member Benefits
The Benefits of Shopping with NEA Member Benefits

NEA Member Benefits want to show you some ways you can get “Black Friday” deals every day all year long.

Successful member organizing helps Maysville EA become first Ohio local to win back salary schedule

In 2014, midway through the freeze, the administration presented MEA with a “white knight” solution known as alternative compensation developed with the guidance of Battelle for Kids, a non-profit organization intent on tying teacher employment and pay for performance based …

OEA Member Resource Guide 2017

Thank you for your membership, your voice, and your commitment to education. As an OEA member you have access to an array of benefits and services at the local, state, and national levels. Use this guide as an overview to …

Bargaining Salary

This content is for OEA members only.

Bargaining ESSA

This content is for OEA members only.

Fact Finder for the Ohio Teacher

The Teacher Contract Ohio teachers work under one of two basic types of contracts–limited or continuing. Limited contracts must be renewed periodically. State statute or your collective bargaining agreement determine the procedure the employer must use to non-renew a limited …

If A Member Is Assaulted

If a member is the victim of an assault while on school property, the following procedures are recommended: Write down as soon as possible after the assault incident all particulars of the situation, including names, witnesses, date, time(s), location, and …

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