Category: General

A Small Case with Big Ramifications

This case, brought by the National Right to Work Committee, which has been linked to billionaire conservative mega-donors Charles and David Koch, could render a ruling that would impact all public sector unions, even in Ohio, in a manner similar to “Right to Work” legislation.

The REAL state of school funding in Ohio

I am a resident of Medina County, a parent of two children who attend public schools, a veteran, a 7th grade history teacher, and I am the proud president of the Medina City Teachers Association. It is an honor to have this opportunity to speak before you today. I am here today on behalf of educators. I am here today to talk about the real state of school funding here in Ohio. In only four years, under Governor Kasich’s “careful planning,” ONE HALF OF ONE BILLION DOLLARS — that’s EIGHT zeros — have been taken from Ohio’s public schools. These cuts have drastically affected our children.

Anti-Union to Union Activist in just 40 years

My daddy was a Teamster in the 70s when the news was full of stories about the ERA not passing, stagflation of the U.S. economy, and Jimmy Hoffa’s disappearance. I didn’t really mind that the big, brash truck driver was a Teamster. It just struck me that unions were a part of everything wrong with the world. So, how is it that now I am one of the building reps for my local association?

How do you create change?

OEA members are accustomed to advocating for work condition issues, but how do we advocate for professional issues that affect you and your students such as the Third Grade Guarantee? OEA encourages you to share your experiences and efforts to create change in policy, procedure and law.

Charter Ghost Schools: Money for Nothing

Recent investigations have found that among charter schools nationwide, few operators are charged with anything when they are caught receiving funds for imaginary attendance numbers, and they simply have to return the cash. All too often, the taxpayers are left footing the bill.

New Year’s Resolutions For Public Education

Wouldn’t it be great if tens of thousands of educators, parents and other concerned community members made it their New Year’s resolution to join or start their local, grassroots Public Education group? That is what IS turning the tide, that is what will ultimately preserve and protect our children, their futures, public education and our teaching profession for this generation and generations to come.

Superman Ain’t Coming

We are in a pickle, my fellow educators. Make no mistake. Our best teachers, our top ten percent, as determined by various criteria including test scores, deceive and manipulate the administration in order to produce the results they’re famous for and preserve their love of the job. But all we’ve done is adapt to a dysfunctional system.

How charter schools betray their students and communities

Time and time again, too many charter schools have failed our students. While the teachers in charter schools are passionate about education, their employers betray them and their students with constant administrative changes, a lack of support, and unethical practices that make the schools a disgrace.

Rushed Reforms are Fantastic Failures

This situation makes me think about the overall “education reform” movement that surrounds our schools, as students, teachers and administrators are inundated with new programs that must happen immediately, if not sooner. With any of the initiatives, proper planning, training, teacher input and resources are a necessity. Otherwise, no matter how educationally sound, the program will not succeed.

'Tis the season for gift giving

‘Tis the season for gift-giving, and with so many test-driven “school reform” policies being passed at the Ohio Statehouse this year, now would be a great time to present our lawmakers with gift-wrapped copies of one of the most forward-thinking children’s books ever written, Hooray for Diffendoofer Day.

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