Voices of Change was created by the OEA as a place where members, public education advocates, policymakers and others can exchange information and express their opinions on public education and related issues. So make your voice heard! We’re interested in what you have to say.

Please note: All comments must adhere to OEA discussion rules.  Comments may be excerpted for use in other OEA publications, and may be edited for length and clarity. You must be logged in to leave a comment. | #OverTestedOH



OEA Locals Establishing Measurable Goals

The OEA Organizing Department has developed a Local Self-Assessment Tool that can aide your local in targeting crucial areas of growth.  Many locals have already begun to use this tool in order to assist them in strategic planning and goal …

Strong Local Associations

Sharing your experiences and learning from each other — learning the right things and sometimes the wrong things to do — is easily done when you’re part of the network the Association offers.

Perceptions and Procedures

Lessons from the 2017 NEA RA Anyone who reads social media related to the OEA/NEA can see that the perception of some of our colleagues is that OEA/NEA isn’t doing enough about certain issues, or worse, isn’t listening to members’ …

Collective Bargaining

Without collective bargaining, we can’t advocate for our students’ learning conditions and our working conditions. Being involved in OEA gives us the resources to do that. We believe in public education, we support each other, and, most importantly, we always …

The Value of Membership

Members tell their stories of why they value OEA membership. By being a member of OEA, educators have the power to stand up for their students. OEA is an advocate for high quality public education for all students.

Is Revised RESA a Reason to Rejoice?

Part II of II: Teacher Perspectives on the Resident Educator Summative Assessment Read Part I: My Marathon Swim Through RESA by Dan Greenberg, Sylvania Education Association I’m getting to a place where I can look back nostalgically on twenty years …

Medicaid keeps many Ohio public school students healthy

by Becky Higgins, OEA President They have books, pencils and a backpack.  But will Ohio’s public school students continue to have health care? Maybe or maybe not.  It depends on what Congress and the President decide to do about Medicaid. …

My Marathon Swim through RESA

Part I of II: Teacher Perspectives on the Resident Educator Summative Assessment Read Part II: Is Revised RESA a Reason to Rejoice? by Kate Gladieux, Spanish teacher of 5 years, Sylvania Education Association The why… Teaching sailing I got into …

Successful member organizing helps Maysville EA become first Ohio local to win back salary schedule

In 2014, midway through the freeze, the administration presented MEA with a “white knight” solution known as alternative compensation developed with the guidance of Battelle for Kids, a non-profit organization intent on tying teacher employment and pay for performance based …

There’s still too much testing

Testing has long been misused to the point where it has lost any potential usefulness in the education of our nation’s children. Questions have been raised by parents and educators not only about the amount of testing that takes place, …

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